Henderson, M, Serences, JT, Rungratsameetaweemana, N (under review) Dynamic categorization rules alter representations in human visual cortex [biorxiv]
Sheehan, TC., Carfano, B., Richmond, D., Serences, JT. (under review) Serial dependence persists longer for imaginary versus real stimuli [psyarxiv]
Shafer-Skelton, A., Brady, T.F., Serences, J.T. (under review) A 2D Gabor-wavelet baseline model out-performs a 3D surface model in scene-responsive cortex [biorxiv]
Adam, K.C.S., Yang, Z., and Serences, J.T. (2024). First encounters: Estimating the initial magnitude of attentional capture. Visual Cognition [link]
Wennberg, J and Serences, J.T. (2024). Mixing and mingling in visual working memory: Inter-item competition is feature-specific during encoding and feature-general during maintenance.
Itthipuripat S (อิทธิภูริพัฒน์ศิรวัจน์)., Phangwiwat, T., Wiwatphonthana, P., Sawetsuttipan, P., Chang, KU., Störmer, VS., Woodman, GF., and Serences, JT. (2023) Dissociable neural mechanisms underlie the effects of attention on visual appearance and response bias. Journal of Neuroscience [Journal of Neuroscience][pdf]
Sawetsuttipan, P., Phunchongharn, P., Ounjai, K., Salazar, A., Pongsuwan, S., Intrachooto, S., Serences, J.T., and Itthipuripat, S. (2023) Perceptual Difficulty Regulates Attentional Gain Modulations in Human Visual Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience [pdf, link]
Adam, K.C.S, Rademaker, R.L., and Serences, J.T. (2022) Dynamics are the only constant in working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Special focus issue on the work of Mark Stokes. [pdf, link, preprint]
Sheehan, T.C. and Serences, J.T. (2022) Attractive serial dependence overcomes repulsive neuronal adaptation. PLoS Biology [pdf, link, osf data and code] (link to commentary by Whitney et al here)
Henderson, M., Rademaker, R.L., and Serences, J.T. (2022) Flexible utilization of spatial- and motor-based codes for the storage of visual-spatial information. eLife. [pdf, link, OSF data & code]
Adam, K.C.S., Rademaker, R.L., and Serences, J.T. (2022) Evidence for, and challenges to, sensory recruitment models of visual working memory. In T.F. Brady & W.A. Bainbridge (Eds.), Visual Memory (pp. 5-25). Routledge. [pdf] [link] [book link]
Park, S., & Serences, J.T. (2022) Relative precision of top-down attentional modulations is lower in early visual cortex compared to mid- and high-level visual areas. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf] [journal website] [OSF data & code]
Chunharas, C., Rademaker, R.L., Brady, T.F., and Serences, J.T. (2022) Adaptive distortions in visual working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General [pdf] [OSF data & code]
Adam, K.C.S. and Serences, J.T. (2021) History modulates early sensory processing of salient distractors. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf] [OSF data & code] [journal website] [pre-print link]
Adam, K.C.S, Patel, T., Rangan, N., and Serences, J.T. (2021) Classic visual search effects in an additional singleton task: An open dataset. Journal of Cognition. [pdf] [OSF data & code] [journal website]
Vo, V.A., Sutterer, D.W., Foster, J.J., Sprague, T.C., Awh, E. and Serences, J.T. (2021). Shared representational formats for information maintained in working memory and information retrieved from long-term memory. Cerebral Cortex. [pdf] [OSF data & code] [journal website] [pre-print link]
Henderson, M. and Serences, J.T. (2021). Biased orientation representations can be explained by experience with non- uniform training set statistics. Journal of Vision. [pdf] [journal website] [pre-print link]
Nelli, S., Malpani, A., Boonjindasup, M., and Serences, J.T. (2021) Individual Alpha Frequency Determines the Impact of Bottom-Up Drive on Visual Processing. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 2(2). [pdf] [supplemental]
Adam, K.C.S., Chang, L., Rangan, N. and Serences, J.T. (2021) Steady-state visually evoked potentials and feature-based attention: Pre-registered null results and a focused review of methodological considerations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(4), 695-724. [pdf] [supplemental] [OSF data & code] [pre-registration]
Ester E.F., Sprague, T.C., Serences, J.T. (2020) Categorical Biases in Human Occipitoparietal Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf] [link]
Itthipuripat, S., Chang, KY., Bong, A., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Stimulus visibility and uncertainty mediate the influence of attention on response bias and visual contrast appearance. Journal of Vision. [pdf] [link]
Sprague, T.C., Boynton, G.M., and Serences, J.T. (2019) The importance of considering model choices when interpreting results in computational neuroimagining. eNeuro [pdf] [simulation code]
Itthipuripat, S., Vo, V., Sprague, T.C., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Value-driven attentional capture enhances distractor representations in early visual cortex. PLoS Biology. [pdf] [link] [OSF data & code]
Rungratsameetaweemana, N., Squire, LR., and Serences JT. (2019). Preserved capacity for learning statistical regularities and directing selective attention after hippocampal lesions. PNAS. [pdf] [link]
Adam K.C.S. and Serences, J.T. (2019). Working Memory: Flexible but Finite. ("Spotlight" on Bouchacourt, F., and Buschman, T.J. (2019). A flexible model of working memory. Neuron. [pdf]
Henderson, M., Vo, V., Chunharas, C., Sprague, T., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Multivariate analysis of BOLD activation patterns recovers graded depth representations in human visual and parietal cortex. eNeuro. [pdf] [OSF data & code ]
Rademaker, R.L., Chunharas, C., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Coexisting representations of sensory and mnemonic information in human visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience. [pdf] [OSF data & code]
Sutterer, DW., Foster, JJ., Serences, JT., Vogel, EK., and Awh, E. (2019). Alpha-band oscillations track the retrieval of precise spatial representations from long-term memory. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf] [OSF data & code]
Itthipuripat, S., Sprague, T.C., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Functional MRI and EEG index complementary attentional modulations. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf] [OSF data & code]
Rungratsameetaweemana, N. and Serences, J.T. (2019). Dissociating the impact of attention and expectation on early sensory processing. Current Opinion in Psychology. [pdf]
Henderson, M. and Serences, J.T. (2019). Human frontoparietal cortex represents behaviorally-relevant target status during invariant object recognition. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf]
Itthipuripat, S., Deering, S., and Serences, J.T. (2019). When conflict cannot be avoided: relative contributions of early selection and frontal executive control in mitigating Stroop conflict. Cerebral Cortex. [pdf]
Chunharas, C., Rademaker, R.L., Sprague, T.C., Brady, T.F., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Separating memoranda in depth increases visual working memory performance. Journal of Vison. [pdf] [OSF data & code]
Itthipuripat, S., Cha, K., Deering, S., Salazar, A.M., Serences, J.T. (2018). Having more choices changes how human observers weight stable sensory evidence. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf]
Rungratsameetaweemana, N., Itthipuripat, S., Salazar, A., Serences, J.T. (2018). Expectations do not alter early sensory processing during perceptual decision making. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf]
Nobre, A.C., Serences, J.T. (2018). Building on a Solid Baseline: Anticipatory Biases in Attention. Trends in Neuroscience. [pdf]
Sprague, T.C., Itthipuripat, S., Vo, V.A., Serences, J.T. (2018). Dissociable signatures of visual salience and behavioral relevance across attentional priority maps in human cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf] [OSF data & code]
Nelli, S., Itthipuripat, S., Srinivasan, R., Serences, J. (2017). Fluctuations in instantaneous frequency predict alpha amplitude during visual perception. Nature Communications. [pdf]
Foster, J.J., Sutterer, D.W., Serences, J.T., Vogel, E.K., Awh, E. (2017). Alpha-Band Oscillations Enable Spatially and Temporally Resolved Tracking of Covert Spatial Attention. Psychological Science. [pdf]
Cowell, R.A., Leger, K.R., Serences, J.T. (2017). Feature-coding transitions to conjunction-coding with progression through human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf]
Itthipuripat, S., Cha, K., Byers, A., Serences, J.T. (2017). Two different mechanisms support selective attention at different phases of training. PLoS Biology. [pdf]
Rademaker, R., Serences, J. (2017). Pinging the brain to reveal hidden memories (News and Views on Wolff et al., same issue). Nature Neuroscience. [pdf]
Vo, V.A., Sprague, T.C., Serences, J. (2017). Spatial tuning shifts increase the discriminability and fidelity of population codes in visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf] [OSF data & code] [bioRxiv preprint]
Bullock, T., Elliott, J., Serences, J., Giesbrecht, B. (2017). Acute exercise modulates feature-selective responses in human cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. [pdf]
Serences, J. (2016). Neural mechanisms of information storage in visual short-term memory. Vision Research. [pdf]
Ester, E., Sutterer, D., Serences, J., Awh, E. (2016). Feature-selective attentional modulations in human frontoparietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf] [OSF data & code]
Sprague, T., Ester, E., & Serences, J. (2016). Restoring latent visual working memory representations in human cortex. Neuron. [pdf] [OSF data & code]
Foster, J., Sutterer, D., Serences, J., Vogel, E., Awh, E. (2016). The topography of alpha-band activity tracks the content of spatial working memory. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf] [OSF data & code]
Itthipuripat, S., Serences, J. (2015). Integrating levels of analysis in systems and cognitive neurosciences: selective attention as a case study. The Neuroscientist. [pdf]
Itthipuripat, S., Cha, K., Rangsipat, N., Serences, J.T. (2015). Value-based attentional capture influences context dependent decision-making. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf] [data]
Serences, J.T., Kastner, S. (2015). Representations of space and feature-based attentional priority in human visual cortex. Cognitive Neuroscience V. (editors: Michael Gazzaniga and George Mangun)
Sprague, T.C., Serences, J.T. (2015). Using human neuroimaging to examine top-down modulations of visual perception. An introduction to model-based cognitive neuroscience. (editors: Birte Forstmann, E.J. Wagenmakers) [pdf]
Ester E.F., Sprague T.C., Serences J.T. (2015). Parietal and frontal cortex encode stimulus-specific mnemonic representations during visual working memory. Neuron. [pdf]
Sprague, T.C., Saproo, S. Serences, J.T. (2015). Visual attention mitigates information loss in small- and large-scale neural codes. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. [pdf] [Tutorial files]
Ester, E.F., Zilber, E., Serences, J.T. (2015). Substitution and pooling in visual crowding induced by similar and dissimilar distractors. Journal of Vision. [pdf]
Itthipuripat, S., Ester, E.F., Deering, S., Serences, J.T. (2014). Sensory gain outperforms efficient read-out mechanisms in predicting attention-related improvements in behavior. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf]
Sprague, T.C., Ester, E., Serences, J.T. (2014). Reconstructions of information in visual spatial working memory degrade with memory load. Current Biology. [pdf]
Ester, E.F., Ho, T.C., Brown, S.D., Serences, J.T. (2014). Variability in visual working memory ability limits the efficiency of perceptual decision making. Journal of Vision. [pdf]
Byers, A., Serences, J.T. (2014). Enhanced attentional gain as a mechanism for generalized perceptual learning in human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf]
Saproo, S., Serences, J.T. (2014). Attention improves transfer of motion information between V1 and MT. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf]
Serences, J.T., Kastner, S. (2014). A multi-level account of selective attention. Oxford Handbook of Attention. (editors: Sabine Kastner and Kia Nobre) [pdf]
Scolari, M., Ester, E.F., Serences, J.T. (2014). Feature- and object-based attentional modulation in the human visual system. Oxford Handbook of Attention. (editors: Sabine Kastner and Kia Nobre) [pdf]
Itthipuripat, S., Garcia, J.O., Rungratsameetaweemana, N. Sprague, T.C., Serences, J.T. (2014). Changing the spatial scope of attention alters patterns of neural gain in human cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf]
Bridwell, D.A., Hecker, E.A., Serences, J.T., Srinivasan, R. (2013). Individual differences in attention strategies during detection, fine discrimination, and coarse discrimination. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf]
Postle, B., Awh, E., Serences, J.T., Sutterer, D., D'Esposito, M. (2013). The positional-specificity effect reveals a passive-trace contribution to visual short-term memory. PLoS One. [pdf]
Sprague, T.C., Serences, J.T. (2013). Attention modulates spatial priority maps in human occipital, parietal, and frontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience. [pdf] [supplementary material] [source data]
Itthipuripat, S., Garcia, J.O., Serences, J.T. (2013). Temporal dynamics of divided spatial attention. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf]
Ester, E.F., Anderson, D.E., Serences, J.T., Awh, E. (2013). A neural measure of precision in visual working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. [pdf]
Garcia, J.O., Srinivasan, R., Serences, J.T. (2013). Measuring near real-time feature-selective neural modulation in human cortex. Current Biology. [pdf]
Byers, A., and Serences, J.T. (2012). Exploring the relationship Between perceptual learning and top-down attentional control. Vision Research. [pdf]
Ho, TC., Brown, SD., Abuyo, N.A., Ku, EHJ., Serences, J.T. (2012). Perceptual consequences of feature-based attentional enhancement and suppression. Journal of Vision. [pdf]
Ho, TC., Brown, SD., van Maanen L., Forstmann, BU., Wagenmakers, EJ., Serences, J.T. (2012). The optimality of sensory processing during the speed-accuracy tradeoff. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(23):7992-8003.[pdf]
Scolari, M., Byers, A., Serences J.T. (2012). Optimal deployment of attention gain during fine discriminations. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(22):7723-7733. [pdf]
Serences J.T., Saproo, S. (2012). Computational advances towards linking BOLD and behavior. Neuropsychologia. 50(4):435-46. [pdf]
Forstmann BU, Wagenmakers EJ, Eichele T, Brown S, Serences JT. (2011). Reciprocal relations between cognitive neuroscience and formal cognitive models: opposites attract? Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 15(6):272-9. PMID: 21612972. [pdf]
Serences, J.T. (2011). Mechanisms Of selective attention: Response enhancement, noise reduction, and efficient pooling Of sensory responses. Neuron. 72(5):685-7. (preview piece on a paper by Pestilli et al. in the same issue). [pdf]
Van Maanen, L., Brown, S.D., Eichele, T, Wagenmakers, E.J., Ho, T.C., Serences, J.T., Forstmann., B. (2011). Neural correlates of trial-to-trial fluctuations in response caution. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(48):17488-17495. [pdf]
Scolari, M., Serences J.T. (2010). Basing perceptual decisions on the most informative sensory neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104(4):2266-73. [pdf]
Saproo, S., Serences, J.T. (2010). Spatial attention improves the quality of population codes in human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104(2):885-95. [pdf]
Serences, J.T. and Saproo, S. (2010). Population response profiles in early visual cortex are biased in favor of more valuable stimuli. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104(1):76-87. [pdf]
Okada, K., Rong, F., Venezia, J., Matchin, W., Saberi, K., Serences, J.T., Hickok, G. (2010). Hierarchical organization of human auditory cortex: evidence from acoustic invariance in the response to intelligible speech. Cerebral Cortex. 20(10):2486-95. [pdf]
Gál, V., Kóbor, I, Kozák, L.R., Bankó, E.M., Serences, J.T., Vidnyánszky, Z. (2010). Electrophysiological correlates of learning-induced modulation of visual motion processing in humans. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 3:69. pdf
Greenberg, A., Esterman, M., Wilson, E., Serences, J.T., Yantis, S. (2010). Control of spatial and feature-based attention in frontoparietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(43):14330-9. [pdf]
Serences, J.T., Saproo, S., Scolari, M., Ho, T., Muftuler, T. (2009). Estimating the influence of attention on population response profiles. NeuroImage. 44(1):223-31. [pdf]
Serences, J.T., Ester, E., Vogel, E., Awh, E. (2009). Stimulus-specific delay activity in human primary visual cortex. Psychological Science. 20(2):207-14. [pdf]
Hickok, G., Okada, K., Serences, J.T. (2009). Area Spt in the human planum temporale supports sensory-motor integration for speech processing. Journal of Neurophysiology. 101(5):2725-32. [pdf]
Gál, V., Kozák, K.L., Bankó, É., Kóbor, I., Serences, J.T., Vidnyánszky, Z. (2009). Learning to filter out visual distractors. European Journal of Neuroscience. 29(8):1723-31. [pdf]
Ho, T.C., Brown, S.D., Serences, J.T. (2009). Domain general mechanisms of perceptual decision making in human cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(27):8675-87. [pdf]
Scolari, M., Serences, J.T. (2009). Adaptive allocation of attentional gain. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(38):11933-42. [pdf]
Ester, E.E., Serences, J.T., Awh, E. (2009). Spatially global representations in human primary visual cortex during working memory maintenance. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(48):15258-65. [pdf]
Kelley, T.A., Serences, J.T., Giesbrecht, B., Yantis, S. (2008). Cortical mechanisms for shifting and holding visuospatial attention. Cerebral Cortex. 18(1):114-25. [pdf]
Mednick, S., Drummond, S., Boynton, G.M., Awh, E., Serences, J.T. (2008). Sleep-dependent learning and practice-dependent deterioration in an orientation discrimination task. Behavioral Neuroscience. 122(2):267-72. [pdf]
Casanova, R., Ryali, S., Serences, J., Laurienti, P.J., Maldjian, J. (2008). The impact of temporal regularization on estimates of the BOLD hemodynamic response function: a comparative analysis. NeuroImage. 40(4):1606-18. [pdf]
Serences, J.T., Scolari, M., Awh, E. (2008). On-line response-selection and the attentional blink: multiple-processing channels. Visual Cognition. [pdf]
Serences, J.T. (2008). Value-based modulations in human visual cortex. Neuron. 60(6):1169-81. [pdf]
Serences, J.T., Yantis, S. (2007). Spatially-selective representations of voluntary and stimulus-driven attentional priority in human occipital, parietal, and frontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 17(2):284-93. [pdf]
Serences, J.T., Boynton, G.M. (2007). Feature-based attentional modulations in the absence of direct visual stimulation. Neuron. 55(2):301-12. [pdf]
Dilks, D.D., Serences, J.T., Rosenau, B., Yantis, S., McCloskey, M. (2007). Human adult cortical reorganization and consequent visual distortion. Journal of Neuroscience. 27(36):9585-94. [pdf]
Serences, J.T., Boynton, G.M. (2007). The representation of behavioral choice for motion in human visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 27(47):12893-9. [pdf]
Serences, J.T., Yantis, S. (2006). Selective visual attention and perceptual coherence. Trends in Cognitive Science. 10(1):38-45. [pdf]
Roth, J.K., Serences, J.T., Courtney, S.M. (2006). Neural system for controlling the contents of object working memory in humans. Cerebral Cortex. 16(11):1595-603. [pdf]
Proulx, M, Serences, J.T. (2006). Searching for an oddball: Neural correlates of singleton detection mode in parietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 26(49):12631-2 (Brief Commentary Article) [pdf]
Serences, J.T, Shomstein, S., Leber, A.B., Golay, X., Egeth, H.E., Yantis, S. (2005). Coordination of voluntary and stimulus-driven attentional control in human cortex. Psychological Science. 16(2):114-122 [pdf]
Serences, J.T., Liu, T., Yantis, S. (2005). Parietal mechanisms of switching and maintaining attention to locations, features, and objects. Neurobiology of Attention. Eds. Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees, and John Tsotsos. San Diego, CA : Elsevier. [pdf]
Lu, H., Basso, G., Serences, J.T., Yantis, S., Golay, X., van Zijl, P.C. (2005). Retinotopic mapping in the human visual cortex using vascular space occupancy-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroreport. 16(15):1635-1640. [pdf]
Awh, E., Serences, J., Laurey, P., Dhaliwal, H., van der Jagt, T., Dassonville, P. (2004). Evidence against a central bottleneck during the attentional blink: Multiple channels for configural and featural processing. Cognitive Psychology. 48(1): 95-126. [pdf]
Serences, J.T. (2004). A comparison of methods for estimating the event-related BOLD signal in rapid fMRI. NeuroImage. 21(4):1690-1700. [pdf]
Serences, J.T, Schwarzbach, J., Courtney, S.M., Golay, X., Yantis, S. (2004). Control of object based attention in human cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 14(12):1346-57. [pdf]
Serences, J.T., Yantis, S., Culberson, A., Awh, E. (2004). Preparatory activity in visual cortex indexes distractor suppression during covert spatial orienting. Journal of Neurophysiology. 92(6):3538-45. [pdf]
Yantis, S., Serences, J.T. (2003). Neural mechanisms of space-based and object based attentional control. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 13, 187-193. [pdf]
Awh, E., Matsukura, M., Serences, J.T. (2003). Top-down control of biased competition during covert spatial orienting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 29(1): 52.63. [pdf]
Liu, T., Slotnick, S., Serences, J.T., Yantis, S. (2003). Cortical mechanisms of feature-based attentional control. Cerebral Cortex. 13(12):1334-43. [pdf]