

Henderson, M, Serences, JT, Rungratsameetaweemana, N (under review) Dynamic categorization rules alter representations in human visual cortex [biorxiv]

Sheehan, TC., Carfano, B., Richmond, D., Serences, JT. (under review) Serial dependence persists longer for imaginary versus real stimuli [psyarxiv]

Shafer-Skelton, A., Brady, T.F., Serences, J.T. (under review) A 2D Gabor-wavelet baseline model out-performs a 3D surface model in scene-responsive cortex [biorxiv


Adam, K.C.S., Yang, Z., and Serences, J.T. (2024). First encounters: Estimating the initial magnitude of attentional capture. Visual Cognition [link]

Wennberg, J and Serences, J.T. (2024). Mixing and mingling in visual working memory: Inter-item competition is feature-specific during encoding and feature-general during maintenance.


Itthipuripat S (อิทธิภูริพัฒน์ศิรวัจน์)., Phangwiwat, T., Wiwatphonthana, P., Sawetsuttipan, P., Chang, KU., Störmer, VS., Woodman, GF., and Serences, JT. (2023) Dissociable neural mechanisms underlie the effects of attention on visual appearance and response bias. Journal of Neuroscience [Journal of Neuroscience][pdf

Sawetsuttipan, P., Phunchongharn, P., Ounjai, K., Salazar, A., Pongsuwan, S., Intrachooto, S., Serences, J.T., and Itthipuripat, S. (2023) Perceptual Difficulty Regulates Attentional Gain Modulations in Human Visual Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience [pdf, link]


Adam, K.C.S, Rademaker, R.L., and Serences, J.T. (2022) Dynamics are the only constant in working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Special focus issue on the work of Mark Stokes. [pdf, link, preprint

Sheehan, T.C. and Serences, J.T. (2022) Attractive serial dependence overcomes repulsive neuronal adaptation. PLoS Biology [pdf, link, osf data and code] (link to commentary by Whitney et al here

Henderson, M., Rademaker, R.L., and Serences, J.T. (2022) Flexible utilization of spatial- and motor-based codes for the storage of visual-spatial information. eLife. [pdf, link, OSF data & code]

Adam, K.C.S., Rademaker, R.L., and Serences, J.T. (2022) Evidence for, and challenges to, sensory recruitment models of visual working memory. In T.F. Brady & W.A. Bainbridge (Eds.), Visual Memory (pp. 5-25). Routledge. [pdf] [link] [book link]

Park, S., & Serences, J.T. (2022) Relative precision of top-down attentional modulations is lower in early visual cortex compared to mid- and high-level visual areas. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf] [journal website] [OSF data & code]

Chunharas, C., Rademaker, R.L., Brady, T.F., and Serences, J.T. (2022) Adaptive distortions in visual working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General [pdf] [OSF data & code]


Adam, K.C.S. and Serences, J.T. (2021) History modulates early sensory processing of salient distractors. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf] [OSF data & code] [journal website] [pre-print link]

Adam, K.C.S, Patel, T., Rangan, N., and Serences, J.T. (2021) Classic visual search effects in an additional singleton task: An open dataset. Journal of Cognition. [pdf] [OSF data & code] [journal website]

Vo, V.A., Sutterer, D.W., Foster, J.J., Sprague, T.C., Awh, E. and Serences, J.T.  (2021). Shared representational formats for information maintained in working memory and information retrieved from long-term memory. Cerebral Cortex. [pdf] [OSF data & code] [journal website] [pre-print link]

Henderson, M. and Serences, J.T. (2021). Biased orientation representations can be explained by experience with non- uniform training set statistics. Journal of Vision. [pdf] [journal website] [pre-print link]

Nelli, S., Malpani, A., Boonjindasup, M., and Serences, J.T. (2021) Individual Alpha Frequency Determines the Impact of Bottom-Up Drive on Visual Processing. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 2(2). [pdf] [supplemental]

Adam, K.C.S., Chang, L., Rangan, N. and Serences, J.T. (2021) Steady-state visually evoked potentials and feature-based attention: Pre-registered null results and a focused review of methodological considerations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(4), 695-724. [pdf] [supplemental] [OSF data & code] [pre-registration]


Ester E.F., Sprague, T.C., Serences, J.T. (2020) Categorical Biases in Human Occipitoparietal Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf] [link]


Itthipuripat, S., Chang, KY., Bong, A., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Stimulus visibility and uncertainty mediate the influence of attention on response bias and visual contrast appearance. Journal of Vision. [pdf] [link]

Sprague, T.C., Boynton, G.M., and Serences, J.T. (2019) The importance of considering model choices when interpreting results in computational neuroimagining. eNeuro [pdf] [simulation code]

Itthipuripat, S., Vo, V., Sprague, T.C., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Value-driven attentional capture enhances distractor representations in early visual cortex. PLoS Biology. [pdf] [link] [OSF data & code]

Rungratsameetaweemana, N., Squire, LR., and Serences JT. (2019). Preserved capacity for learning statistical regularities and directing selective attention after hippocampal lesions. PNAS. [pdf] [link]

Adam K.C.S. and Serences, J.T. (2019). Working Memory: Flexible but Finite. ("Spotlight" on Bouchacourt, F., and Buschman, T.J. (2019). A flexible model of working memory. Neuron. [pdf]

Henderson, M., Vo, V., Chunharas, C., Sprague, T., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Multivariate analysis of BOLD activation patterns recovers graded depth representations in human visual and parietal cortex. eNeuro. [pdf] [OSF data & code ]

Rademaker, R.L., Chunharas, C., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Coexisting representations of sensory and mnemonic information in human visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience. [pdf] [OSF data & code]

Sutterer, DW., Foster, JJ., Serences, JT., Vogel, EK., and Awh, E. (2019). Alpha-band oscillations track the retrieval of precise spatial representations from long-term memory. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf] [OSF data & code]

Itthipuripat, S., Sprague, T.C., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Functional MRI and EEG index complementary attentional modulations. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf] [OSF data & code]

Rungratsameetaweemana, N. and Serences, J.T. (2019). Dissociating the impact of attention and expectation on early sensory processing. Current Opinion in Psychology. [pdf]

Henderson, M. and Serences, J.T. (2019). Human frontoparietal cortex represents behaviorally-relevant target status during invariant object recognition. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf]

Itthipuripat, S., Deering, S., and Serences, J.T. (2019). When conflict cannot be avoided: relative contributions of early selection and frontal executive control in mitigating Stroop conflict. Cerebral Cortex. [pdf]

Chunharas, C., Rademaker, R.L., Sprague, T.C., Brady, T.F., and Serences, J.T. (2019). Separating memoranda in depth increases visual working memory performance. Journal of Vison. [pdf] [OSF data & code]


Itthipuripat, S., Cha, K., Deering, S., Salazar, A.M., Serences, J.T. (2018). Having more choices changes how human observers weight stable sensory evidence. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf]

Rungratsameetaweemana, N., Itthipuripat, S., Salazar, A., Serences, J.T. (2018). Expectations do not alter early sensory processing during perceptual decision making. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf]

Nobre, A.C., Serences, J.T. (2018). Building on a Solid Baseline: Anticipatory Biases in Attention. Trends in Neuroscience. [pdf]

Sprague, T.C., Itthipuripat, S., Vo, V.A., Serences, J.T. (2018). Dissociable signatures of visual salience and behavioral relevance across attentional priority maps in human cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf] [OSF data & code]


Nelli, S., Itthipuripat, S., Srinivasan, R., Serences, J. (2017). Fluctuations in instantaneous frequency predict alpha amplitude during visual perception. Nature Communications. [pdf]

Foster, J.J., Sutterer, D.W., Serences, J.T., Vogel, E.K., Awh, E. (2017). Alpha-Band Oscillations Enable Spatially and Temporally Resolved Tracking of Covert Spatial Attention. Psychological Science. [pdf]

Cowell, R.A., Leger, K.R., Serences, J.T. (2017). Feature-coding transitions to conjunction-coding with progression through human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf

Itthipuripat, S., Cha, K., Byers, A., Serences, J.T. (2017). Two different mechanisms support selective attention at different phases of training. PLoS Biology. [pdf

Rademaker, R., Serences, J. (2017). Pinging the brain to reveal hidden memories (News and Views on Wolff et al., same issue). Nature Neuroscience. [pdf]

Vo, V.A., Sprague, T.C., Serences, J. (2017). Spatial tuning shifts increase the discriminability and fidelity of population codes in visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf] [OSF data & code] [bioRxiv preprint]

Bullock, T., Elliott, J., Serences, J., Giesbrecht, B. (2017). Acute exercise modulates feature-selective responses in human cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. [pdf]


Serences, J. (2016). Neural mechanisms of information storage in visual short-term memory. Vision Research. [pdf]

Ester, E., Sutterer, D., Serences, J., Awh, E. (2016). Feature-selective attentional modulations in human frontoparietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf] [OSF data & code]

Sprague, T., Ester, E., & Serences, J. (2016). Restoring latent visual working memory representations in human cortex. Neuron. [pdf] [OSF data & code]

Foster, J., Sutterer, D., Serences, J., Vogel, E., Awh, E. (2016). The topography of alpha-band activity tracks the content of spatial working memory. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf] [OSF data & code]


Itthipuripat, S., Serences, J. (2015). Integrating levels of analysis in systems and cognitive neurosciences: selective attention as a case study. The Neuroscientist. [pdf]

Itthipuripat, S., Cha, K., Rangsipat, N., Serences, J.T. (2015). Value-based attentional capture influences context dependent decision-making. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf] [data]

Serences, J.T., Kastner, S. (2015). Representations of space and feature-based attentional priority in human visual cortex. Cognitive Neuroscience V. (editors: Michael Gazzaniga and George Mangun)

Sprague, T.C., Serences, J.T. (2015). Using human neuroimaging to examine top-down modulations of visual perception. An introduction to model-based cognitive neuroscience. (editors: Birte Forstmann, E.J. Wagenmakers) [pdf]

Ester E.F., Sprague T.C., Serences J.T. (2015). Parietal and frontal cortex encode stimulus-specific mnemonic representations during visual working memory. Neuron. [pdf]

Sprague, T.C., Saproo, S. Serences, J.T. (2015). Visual attention mitigates information loss in small- and large-scale neural codes. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. [pdf] [Tutorial files]

Ester, E.F., Zilber, E., Serences, J.T. (2015). Substitution and pooling in visual crowding induced by similar and dissimilar distractors. Journal of Vision. [pdf]


Itthipuripat, S., Ester, E.F., Deering, S., Serences, J.T. (2014). Sensory gain outperforms efficient read-out mechanisms in predicting attention-related improvements in behavior. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf]

Sprague, T.C., Ester, E., Serences, J.T. (2014). Reconstructions of information in visual spatial working memory degrade with memory load. Current Biology. [pdf]

Ester, E.F., Ho, T.C., Brown, S.D., Serences, J.T. (2014). Variability in visual working memory ability limits the efficiency of perceptual decision making. Journal of Vision. [pdf]

Byers, A., Serences, J.T. (2014). Enhanced attentional gain as a mechanism for generalized perceptual learning in human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf]

Saproo, S., Serences, J.T. (2014). Attention improves transfer of motion information between V1 and MT. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf]

Serences, J.T., Kastner, S. (2014). A multi-level account of selective attention. Oxford Handbook of Attention. (editors: Sabine Kastner and Kia Nobre) [pdf]

Scolari, M., Ester, E.F., Serences, J.T. (2014). Feature- and object-based attentional modulation in the human visual system. Oxford Handbook of Attention. (editors: Sabine Kastner and Kia Nobre) [pdf]

Itthipuripat, S., Garcia, J.O., Rungratsameetaweemana, N. Sprague, T.C., Serences, J.T. (2014). Changing the spatial scope of attention alters patterns of neural gain in human cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. [pdf]


Bridwell, D.A., Hecker, E.A., Serences, J.T., Srinivasan, R. (2013). Individual differences in attention strategies during detection, fine discrimination, and coarse discrimination. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf]

Postle, B., Awh, E., Serences, J.T., Sutterer, D., D'Esposito, M. (2013). The positional-specificity effect reveals a passive-trace contribution to visual short-term memory. PLoS One. [pdf]

Sprague, T.C., Serences, J.T. (2013). Attention modulates spatial priority maps in human occipital, parietal, and frontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience. [pdf] [supplementary material] [source data]

Itthipuripat, S., Garcia, J.O., Serences, J.T. (2013). Temporal dynamics of divided spatial attention. Journal of Neurophysiology. [pdf]

Ester, E.F., Anderson, D.E., Serences, J.T., Awh, E. (2013). A neural measure of precision in visual working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. [pdf]

Garcia, J.O., Srinivasan, R., Serences, J.T. (2013). Measuring near real-time feature-selective neural modulation in human cortex. Current Biology. [pdf]


Byers, A., and Serences, J.T. (2012). Exploring the relationship Between perceptual learning and top-down attentional control. Vision Research. [pdf]

Ho, TC., Brown, SD., Abuyo, N.A., Ku, EHJ., Serences, J.T. (2012). Perceptual consequences of feature-based attentional enhancement and suppression. Journal of Vision. [pdf]

Ho, TC., Brown, SD., van Maanen L., Forstmann, BU., Wagenmakers, EJ., Serences, J.T. (2012). The optimality of sensory processing during the speed-accuracy tradeoff. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(23):7992-8003.[pdf]

Scolari, M., Byers, A., Serences J.T. (2012). Optimal deployment of attention gain during fine discriminations. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(22):7723-7733. [pdf]

Serences J.T., Saproo, S. (2012). Computational advances towards linking BOLD and behavior. Neuropsychologia. 50(4):435-46. [pdf]


Forstmann BU, Wagenmakers EJ, Eichele T, Brown S, Serences JT. (2011). Reciprocal relations between cognitive neuroscience and formal cognitive models: opposites attract? Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 15(6):272-9. PMID: 21612972. [pdf]

Serences, J.T. (2011). Mechanisms Of selective attention: Response enhancement, noise reduction, and efficient pooling Of sensory responses. Neuron. 72(5):685-7. (preview piece on a paper by Pestilli et al. in the same issue). [pdf]

Van Maanen, L., Brown, S.D., Eichele, T, Wagenmakers, E.J., Ho, T.C., Serences, J.T., Forstmann., B. (2011). Neural correlates of trial-to-trial fluctuations in response caution. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(48):17488-17495. [pdf]


Scolari, M., Serences J.T. (2010). Basing perceptual decisions on the most informative sensory neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104(4):2266-73. [pdf]

Saproo, S., Serences, J.T. (2010). Spatial attention improves the quality of population codes in human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104(2):885-95. [pdf]

Serences, J.T. and Saproo, S. (2010). Population response profiles in early visual cortex are biased in favor of more valuable stimuli. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104(1):76-87. [pdf]

Okada, K., Rong, F., Venezia, J., Matchin, W., Saberi, K., Serences, J.T., Hickok, G. (2010). Hierarchical organization of human auditory cortex: evidence from acoustic invariance in the response to intelligible speech. Cerebral Cortex. 20(10):2486-95. [pdf]

Gál, V., Kóbor, I, Kozák, L.R., Bankó, E.M., Serences, J.T., Vidnyánszky, Z. (2010). Electrophysiological correlates of learning-induced modulation of visual motion processing in humans. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 3:69. pdf

Greenberg, A., Esterman, M., Wilson, E., Serences, J.T., Yantis, S. (2010). Control of spatial and feature-based attention in frontoparietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(43):14330-9. [pdf]


Serences, J.T., Saproo, S., Scolari, M., Ho, T., Muftuler, T. (2009). Estimating the influence of attention on population response profiles. NeuroImage. 44(1):223-31. [pdf]

Serences, J.T., Ester, E., Vogel, E., Awh, E. (2009). Stimulus-specific delay activity in human primary visual cortex. Psychological Science. 20(2):207-14. [pdf]

Hickok, G., Okada, K., Serences, J.T. (2009). Area Spt in the human planum temporale supports sensory-motor integration for speech processing. Journal of Neurophysiology. 101(5):2725-32. [pdf]

Gál, V., Kozák, K.L., Bankó, É., Kóbor, I., Serences, J.T., Vidnyánszky, Z. (2009). Learning to filter out visual distractors. European Journal of Neuroscience. 29(8):1723-31. [pdf]

Ho, T.C., Brown, S.D., Serences, J.T. (2009). Domain general mechanisms of perceptual decision making in human cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(27):8675-87. [pdf]

Scolari, M., Serences, J.T. (2009). Adaptive allocation of attentional gain. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(38):11933-42. [pdf]

Ester, E.E., Serences, J.T., Awh, E. (2009). Spatially global representations in human primary visual cortex during working memory maintenance. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(48):15258-65. [pdf]


Kelley, T.A., Serences, J.T., Giesbrecht, B., Yantis, S. (2008). Cortical mechanisms for shifting and holding visuospatial attention. Cerebral Cortex. 18(1):114-25. [pdf]

Mednick, S., Drummond, S., Boynton, G.M., Awh, E., Serences, J.T. (2008). Sleep-dependent learning and practice-dependent deterioration in an orientation discrimination task. Behavioral Neuroscience. 122(2):267-72. [pdf]

Casanova, R., Ryali, S., Serences, J., Laurienti, P.J., Maldjian, J. (2008). The impact of temporal regularization on estimates of the BOLD hemodynamic response function: a comparative analysis. NeuroImage. 40(4):1606-18. [pdf]

Serences, J.T., Scolari, M., Awh, E. (2008). On-line response-selection and the attentional blink: multiple-processing channels. Visual Cognition. [pdf]

Serences, J.T. (2008). Value-based modulations in human visual cortex. Neuron. 60(6):1169-81. [pdf]


Serences, J.T., Yantis, S. (2007). Spatially-selective representations of voluntary and stimulus-driven attentional priority in human occipital, parietal, and frontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 17(2):284-93. [pdf]

Serences, J.T., Boynton, G.M. (2007). Feature-based attentional modulations in the absence of direct visual stimulation. Neuron. 55(2):301-12. [pdf]

Dilks, D.D., Serences, J.T., Rosenau, B., Yantis, S., McCloskey, M. (2007). Human adult cortical reorganization and consequent visual distortion. Journal of Neuroscience. 27(36):9585-94. [pdf]

Serences, J.T., Boynton, G.M. (2007). The representation of behavioral choice for motion in human visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 27(47):12893-9. [pdf]


Serences, J.T., Yantis, S. (2006). Selective visual attention and perceptual coherence. Trends in Cognitive Science. 10(1):38-45. [pdf]

Roth, J.K., Serences, J.T., Courtney, S.M. (2006). Neural system for controlling the contents of object working memory in humans. Cerebral Cortex. 16(11):1595-603. [pdf]

Proulx, M, Serences, J.T. (2006). Searching for an oddball: Neural correlates of singleton detection mode in parietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 26(49):12631-2 (Brief Commentary Article) [pdf]


Serences, J.T, Shomstein, S., Leber, A.B., Golay, X., Egeth, H.E., Yantis, S. (2005). Coordination of voluntary and stimulus-driven attentional control in human cortex. Psychological Science. 16(2):114-122 [pdf]

Serences, J.T., Liu, T., Yantis, S. (2005). Parietal mechanisms of switching and maintaining attention to locations, features, and objects. Neurobiology of Attention. Eds. Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees, and John Tsotsos. San Diego, CA : Elsevier. [pdf]

Lu, H., Basso, G., Serences, J.T., Yantis, S., Golay, X., van Zijl, P.C. (2005). Retinotopic mapping in the human visual cortex using vascular space occupancy-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroreport. 16(15):1635-1640.  [pdf]


Awh, E., Serences, J., Laurey, P., Dhaliwal, H., van der Jagt, T., Dassonville, P. (2004). Evidence against a central bottleneck during the attentional blink: Multiple channels for configural and featural processing. Cognitive Psychology. 48(1): 95-126. [pdf]

Serences, J.T. (2004). A comparison of methods for estimating the event-related BOLD signal in rapid fMRI. NeuroImage. 21(4):1690-1700.  [pdf]

Serences, J.T, Schwarzbach, J., Courtney, S.M., Golay, X., Yantis, S. (2004). Control of object based attention in human cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 14(12):1346-57.  [pdf]

Serences, J.T., Yantis, S., Culberson, A., Awh, E. (2004). Preparatory activity in visual cortex indexes distractor suppression during covert spatial orienting. Journal of Neurophysiology. 92(6):3538-45.  [pdf]


Yantis, S., Serences, J.T. (2003). Neural mechanisms of space-based and object based attentional control. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 13, 187-193. [pdf]

Awh, E., Matsukura, M., Serences, J.T. (2003). Top-down control of biased competition during covert spatial orienting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 29(1): 52.63.  [pdf]

Liu, T., Slotnick, S., Serences, J.T., Yantis, S. (2003). Cortical mechanisms of feature-based attentional control. Cerebral Cortex. 13(12):1334-43.  [pdf]